Woman on computer

Appointment Request


Save time and schedule an appointment with us!

Schedule an appointment with one of our specialists to discuss your personal or business banking needs. (We'll respond to your request as quickly as possible. Please allow one business day for our rely.)

What is the benefit of scheduling an appointment online?
Scheduling an appointment offers you a convenient way to save time and make the most of your meeting with us. Scheduling an appointment allows you to:
  • Speak to a specialist at a time that works for you - without waiting in line
  • Tell us in advance what you'd like to talk about so that we can prepare
  • Make sure there's a specialist at the financial center who can answer your questions

Schedule An Appointment

*I am interested in speaking with:

Thank you for your submission!

We will be in touch with you soon.

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man scratching his head

How Do I...

Click to view our locations and hours.

Click to locate a fee-free ATM  near you. Did you know you can use credit union CO-OP network ATMs and fee free?
KALSEE Credit Union offers Comprehensive Identity Theft Protection for members and their families for only $2.99/month. Learn more about ID Protect.
Kalsee's routing number is #272481855. You can find it located at the bottom left of your checks.
Call 866-550-1671.

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Visit our FAQ page.