Money Market accounts are a great place to set aside extra savings.
Plus, you’ll earn more based on your balance with great rates that move with the market. Withdraw from your Money Market whenever you need to, up to 6 withdrawals per month. All while earning a better rate than most savings accounts!
- Convenient online access
- Minimum opening balance of just $50
- Up to 6 withdrawals or transfers per month
- No monthly fee
Seasoned investor?
Money Market+
Earn up to 3.25% APY2
- 0.75% APY rate bump for VIP Perks members and 0.50% APY for Platinum!
- Robust tier structure for seasoned investors
- The more you save, the more you earn!
Looking to get started?
Boost Savings
Earn up to 2.50% APY3
- 0.75% APY rate bump for VIP Perks members and 0.50% APY for Platinum!
- Higher dividend rates at the lowest balance tiers to help you get started
Money Market Rates
Up to 3.25% APY1
More to Explore
All Money Markets Products:
1 APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are variable, subject to change at any time without notice. Fees may reduce earnings. Rates effective Friday, September 29, 2023. $50 minimum deposit required to open account. Six withdrawals per month allowed. No monthly fee.
Money Market+
2 Tiered rate account, the dividend rate and annual percentage yield for each balance range will apply to the portion of the balance in each tier. $500 minimum withdrawal. No minimum balance to earn dividends. Platinum Perks members with balances $20,000+ receive a rate bump of 0.50% APY; VIP Perks, 0.75% APY.
Boost Savings
3 Tiered rate account, the dividend rate and annual percentage yield for each balance range will apply to the portion of the balance in each tier. $50 minimum withdrawal. No minimum balance to earn dividends. Platinum Perks members with balances $5,000+ receive a rate bump of 0.50% APY; VIP Perks, 0.75% APY.
Money Market
4 $500 minimum withdrawal. $50 minimum balance to earn dividends.

How Do I...
Click to locate a fee-free ATM near you. Did you know you can use credit union CO-OP network ATMs and fee free?
To have your paycheck, pension, or Social Security checks safely and automatically deposited directly into your Kalsee account, use our online Pinwheel switch tool, submit your account information to your employer (they may have a required form, or use ours), or learn about direct deposit for Social Security.
You'll need to provide Kalsee's routing number (272481855) and your member number.